Sunday, December 18, 2011

sometimes, i envy of you, how can you be so simple .......... <3

Friday, December 16, 2011

与其說是梦想不如說是一個让自己每天都想积极活著的目标 跟心愛的人去哪裡都是好的 :)
看完了 我可能不会爱你 好不舍
好羡慕 骄傲的程又青 自信满满的样子
好喜欢 贴心的 李大仁 总是 懂得 谅解
我可能不会爱你 这句话 不就 表达了 我爱你吗?
结局好幸福 让我 嘴角 一直 微微 上扬的

除了 喜欢 程又青 和 李大仁
本人 从以前 就是 柏霖 和 依晨 的 粉丝了 =)
这部剧 一个字足以形容 赞!!!!

其实 看电视剧 有时候 反映着生活中的 我们
有时候 也会 从剧中领悟




Wednesday, December 14, 2011

u know , life sucks when its your down period

FML, why all bad things crushing together and come to me, fun huh!!!!!!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

被遗忘的照片 @@

Today I am going to work hard and all the while be thankful I am able to do what I love to do.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


owh, i can't believe i listen to this and i cry like a baby
i miss childhood time
when we're still so small, fight here and there
but now we're adult

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

yo miss that dumbo lady so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the only one i can spill whatever whatever and dunid to care whether she will mad at me onot bcos i know she  wont~~~~~~~love love love!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

talked to a friend,  a friend that we long long long long time never contact each other....
i ever heard about that, but i never thought that it was so serious..........
sadly, the conversation make me realized
please, appreciate everyone around you every moment while you still have them with you
something may hit you suddenly, it makes you so helpless and you couldn't do anything to make any better
APPRECIATE&LOVE your friends and family!!!!
lastly, all the best to you, pray for you..........
be tough 

Monday, December 5, 2011


Sunday, December 4, 2011

now realized how long i nvr tumblr, a long time...............

Saturday, December 3, 2011

那些年 的爱情
其实 也是生活 值得收藏的一部分
每个走进我们人生的人 虽然只是过客 但 还是值得纪念 因为你们丰富了我的人生 :)