Thursday, October 27, 2016


What's in your mind when you are 26 ???!!!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

2016年 3月 15日


遇到好人 我真的很感恩 
遇到坏人 让我见识到 其实每个人可以很不一样 我们的脑袋 都不一样 
谢谢他们让我清楚知道 我不想变得跟他们一样

今天下雪 明天太阳就出来了
世界变幻太快 科技太快 时间过得很快 
在这人挤人的城市 更是很容易 让人喘不过气

日复一日 总是重覆告诉自己 撑过去都会没事
小事小事 化无化无

才知道 自己懂自己 是一件很难的事 
要别人懂你 根本就是 荒谬 妄想

才发现 以前的每一步 每一个决定 
仔细分析一下 不是 一时之间 而是影响 一辈子
带你到达了 不同的 道路
所以 现在 都很小心翼翼
因为 我开始感受到 
这不是 可以任性的年龄


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Little from 2014

I did it, travel alone to Japan!
Have u been to Japan before :No
Can you speak Japanese : No
You travel alone to Japan : Yes
Do you feel scare : Of course

There is so many times I lost in this country, I can't find my way back home, I can't communicate with the locals, I'm stuck in the Namba station when I'm first time there and many many many more.
Yet, I'm happy, cause now I can figure out the map by myself, I can understand how's the railway route function, I can e asi ly reach the place I wanna go!!!!

Is never easy to make such decision to step out from my comfort zone, I do struggle and worry a lot, people around me keep stress me with the radiation, this and that, but I don't regret because it is one of the most amazing trip in my life.

2014, there is a lot of changes in my life, I learnt a lot from traveling, yeah, I'm stronger and wiser now. The biggest changes will be from in a relationship back to single life. Sometimes in life, we just have to learn to let go.

First half of 2014, you are truly incredible.
Second half will be good as well, let's hope so.

Thursday, December 12, 2013


年底 不远了
长大 经历 受伤 再站起来 
如果活到六十岁 过了三分之一
童年多美好 少年多疯狂 再不疯狂就老了
庆幸的是 身边有一直陪伴着的家人朋友
想 有四季的国家 会不会觉的时间过得比较快
花谢了 花又要开了 花又谢了
长大后 时间比我想像中流失地要快
岁月的痕迹 慢慢浮现 
曾经很在意 但现在都无所谓了 是时间
慢慢 长大后 发现时间有限 会更珍惜
白白色的发丝穿梭在黑黑的头发下 害怕吗
脸上多了几条痕 在意吗
不要等 爱要及时


Monday, December 2, 2013

Inevitable, you can never avoid

Inevitable, no one can escape.... Just a morning, social media is all about Paul walker face....
Everyone knows him cause basically most of us a fan of fast and furious... 
The main character, the hot guy with blue eyes....
Is so sudden, is hard to accept that he already left....
23 years old, this is the year I realized one day I will have to die, one day the ppl I love may leave me forever....not being sentimental, but I believe this thought will come to us at some point of life....
Don't wait to do what you like, don't wait to tell who you love, don't wait to appreciate..... 
Life is fragile, don't take life for granted.... 
Cherish every moment...
The greatest gift is breath...

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

当友情,爱情,亲情, 这三大不可缺少的情同时需要你,还有离开工作的情绪,准备离开马来西亚的情绪,让我觉得很复杂...

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Life is like drama

Why i say life is like a drama?!
Everything happens around me is like something i can't ever imagine it will happen in real life, is so dramatic until u can't believe it, but still you have to accept this is reality, this is life.

The period from university student then to a working adults, is so much different. Is too much for you to adapt but you have to go on, to make yourself clear, what you want in life, what you want to achieve. 
You have no time to wait, cause time won't wait for you, you can just fight with it.

Recently, there's really too much stories telling.
Different stories give me different lesson in life.
I believe everyone have their own hard time in life, but we must learn how to cope it, maybe learn to let go.

Last time, i always thought that yeah, i can wait, i'm still in young age, until now i realized, may be time is not enough for me, i need to chase my own dream.
I can't wait anymore.

I have being so frustrated about what i wanna do in life.
There's many sharing session with friends.
Some of them just doing what they doing now, play hard while we are young.
Some of them busy working for money just for them to have good life in the future, big house big car perhaps ....
Some of them getting married.
Some of them having dramatic life.

I have a tough time when i realized death is so near to us.
I've been in a dilemma that i couldn't accept this can be actually happen next second.
This is really a hard time for me.
I talk to different people and i got different answers.
My mom was so worried and went to temple to pray for me.
I knew i must get out of this.

Thinking too much won't get you better.
I should bed.
Keep fighting 
Love Life
Thanks for everyone that give me so much care.

Friday, December 21, 2012

The Scream

File:The Scream Pastel.jpg\

I believe everyone saw this paint before, i'm so interested the meaning behind of this piece of art by Edvard Munch.
Believe it or not, this painting sold for 120 million U.S Dollar in May 2012.

Inspiration comes from:
(1)One evening I was walking along a path, the city was on one side and the fjord below. I felt tired and ill. I stopped and looked out over the fjord—the sun was setting, and the clouds turning blood red. I sensed a scream passing through nature; it seemed to me that I heard the scream. I painted this picture, painted the clouds as actual blood. The color shrieked. This became The Scream.

(2)I was walking along the road with two friends – the sun was setting – suddenly the sky turned blood red – I paused, feeling exhausted, and leaned on the fence – there was blood and tongues of fire above the blue-black fjord and the city – my friends walked on, and I stood there trembling with anxiety – and I sensed an infinite scream passing through nature.