Monday, January 3, 2011

how do you feel

oops,sometimes u do have ugly moment right@@
like ugly betty,im ugly berry@@

what i'm going to say bout is how do you feel when someone tell you
i know you
i knew everything i should know bout you........

how do you feel when somebody told you this....
freaking scary right
you stalk of me or what
or like you said, if you have nothing wrong with yourself or to hide, you won't care what i know bout you@@

everyone will not expose themselves truly and all for others right
i do think so 
sometimes even the close one,won't really know you much
and human do change from time to time

how much do you know bout me...

random thought before i sleep:)


  1. your eyes so tired nah, were you take it before you sleep? haha. like you smile though.


  2. LOLs,yea yea yea,took it b4 i slp@@
    ><,i knew you alws love me...hahaha
